It is put on the market that the Takahama food industry (salt pan city) : on the 11th this month "Civil wars BASARA Sendai special product thick-baked bamboo grass kitchen range.

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The civil wars general is captivating a young woman now. The historic site of the connection is visited, and the cartoon character merchandise is hunted. The beer and the bamboo grass boiled fish paste connected to small Juro Katakura Masamune Date and vassal even if hearts of them who are called "Rekijo ()" are gripped are sold one after another, and it is popular. The approach to which the sightseeing guide was done by Masamune's side house and the style illustration of the present age of the cat presence started for men aiming at "Bud", too.

The chance of the Rekijo breeding is a smash hit of video games "Civil wars BASARA" (Capcom) active of the civil wars general of Ikemen and "Civil wars no congruence" (CoA). Ota Nobunaga, Shingen Takeda, the Sanada product village, and Yorocotsgi Maeta besides Masamune appear in civil wars BASARA. "Ro ()" is a climate acting in remaining the conditions nature willingly as for gay that becomes popular Asatoki Nanhoku. It was popularly connected also that generals fought because of exaggerated arms that jumped over the historical investigation. Broadcasting TV animation started in April, too.

It becomes an actual general fan there, the related product is bought, and Rekijo that visits the ground of the connection has increased. Undulation from the metropolitan area has extended to the whole country.

This was put out and the business opportunity, Mite, and the Naganuma environmental development (Toyoma City) put out the BASARA version to existing beer "Masamune Date beer" in March. Same month's number of net sales swelled to 15 times the previous year this moon and went up.
It is put on the market that the Takahama food industry (salt pan city) : on the 11th this month "Civil wars BASARA Sendai special product thick-baked bamboo grass kitchen range. " and (248 yen for three pieces). Masamune who had worn the casque of Ta of the crescent (setting up one) began to line up in the supermarket in the whole country in the design that was spirited of Daitacatana.





このページは、jp_masterがMay 18, 2009 8:14 PMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「Monster hunter 3」です。

次のブログ記事は「"PlayStation 2 (PS2)" of SONY continued to 3rd place.」です。
