It was announced that a popular group and SMAP performed to CM of software 'Those who defended in starry sky of dragon quest IX' and (Square Enix) for NINTENDO DS of the sale by all members on July 11 the 16th.

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It was announced that a popular group and SMAP performed to CM of software 'Those who defended in starry sky of dragon quest IX' and (Square Enix) for NINTENDO DS of the sale by all members on July 11 the 16th.
As for CM, a story comical as Katori Shingo is enticed by the man who is fishing is progressed.

SMAP performs to CM of 'Dragon quest' series in the past.
The one advanced like the documentary by the story over Katori to which it suddenly disappeared and the member who was dying to play a game as soon as possible attracted attention by a unique contents like the setting etc. that became "Finger" why.

The sale adjournment according to the trouble of software of 'Dragon Quest IX' that becomes a numbering title latest work though the sale was scheduled on March 28 this year.
People and popular group piles up the new work of people to whom the sense of starvation of the fan culminates game software.

Japan is good country!
PLEASE come here!





このページは、jp_masterがJune 17, 2009 9:53 PMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「This time, "NINTENDO zone" that develops "NINTENDO spot" as formal service is begun at a fast station of "Tsukuba express"」です。

次のブログ記事は「Think Media Service that is sponsoring GDC, too brought the latest finding of "Game Developer Research" that was the established custom every year together.」です。
